Thursday, May 25, 2017

I've got Sunshine

The weather today has been absolutely perfect!! I attended a seminar for work today and ended up getting out of that around 4pm. I decided against going into the office after,  so I picked up some fro-yo and headed home early! I got home and immediately opened all of the blinds and windows!

The neighbor is outside cutting grass. His children are playing football. The boys from downstairs are outside jumping on the trampoline. The train has been by twice since I've been home. There is a breeze blowing through the trees. The music coming from the cars rolling through the stop sign out front is like a mini concert every few minutes.The  sounds of my tiny town are flooding into my house and I love it! Even though I've started a few loads of laundry and started cleaning, this has been the most relaxing afternoon. It was really just what I needed!

Summer has started for Mom and the boys and they have been so much louder the past week. I'm hoping they find their way to the beach or some other vacation spot soon. Summer camp maybe? Let's cross our fingers!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Spring Break Blues

Last week was Spring Break for Mom and the boys. Guess where they went!

N O W H E R E.

That's right. They stayed at home the entire week. No plans, no trips, no nothing. They were home when I left every morning and home when I got back each evening. I would imagine they had to do SOMETHING at least once during the day, but I can't tell for sure. They were louder than usual in the evenings, but they did seem to sleep in some. FINALLY! I never heard them rustling about while I was getting ready for work. Not that I ever got to sleep in because adult, but still nice to not hear them!

I am a little disappointed that I didn't have the chance to make up any extravagant travel plans this year for Spring Break. Remember, last year Mom left Dad and the boys for the entire week! I was hoping for more factitious shenanigans this year, but no such luck. I can't even make up things they might have done since they were home all.week.long.

Maybe this summer will be more promising. If I'm still living upstairs.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Road Warrior

I don't know that I've spoken much about it on this blog, but I am originally from the Augusta area and now I live in the Athens area. Over the past couple of weeks, I have decided that it is in my best interest to move somewhere between Athens and Augusta. I sometimes feel like I live in both places! The amount of times I visit Augusta is really almost ridiculous at this point.

Let's take last week and the weekend before for example. The Friday before, I drove to Augusta for "family dinner" at Sconyer's and to pick up some make up from the sister. When I did that, I totally forgot that I also wanted to see my cousin as "Cousin Mary" in Tom Sawyer and the last day of that was on Sunday. I mentioned the play to my niece and she wanted to go with me too, so I couldn't back out! Mind you, I did not go to Augusta prepared to stay for an entire weekend. Plus, I had a "stock the bar" house warming party for some friends in Athens on Saturday so I had to come back home on Friday night. Saturday, I went to the house warming with a bottle of red wine in tow. Sunday, I drove back to Augusta and arrived just in time to meet my parents, Aunt, niece, and nephew for lunch before seeing Tom Sawyer. (Which was still a solid hour drive away, mind you!) I did manage to stay around town most of the day Sunday to at least make the hour and half drive worth it. Then, on the following Tuesday, I drove back to be my friend's date for a wedding rehearsal. Of course, last Saturday was the wedding so I had to drive back for that. But, I'm also dog sitting for friends right now so I couldn't stay through the weekend. Which led to another day trip to Augusta happening last Saturday.

This week, I'll spend the week in Athens and the weekend in Augusta for another wedding on Saturday afternoon.
Next week, I'll spend the majority of the week in Athens, but I'll go to Augusta on Thursday afternoon for a concert and will stay through the weekend for Easter.
The week after that, I'll spend the week in Athens and the weekend in Augusta for my nieces first birthday party.
Then, HOPEFULLY, the last weekend of April I will spend the entire week AND weekend in Athens.

Even at the age of 27, I still haven't learned to be still for any length of time and it doesn't look like I'm going to start now. But, it might save on time and gas money if I found a more central location to live. Maybe I'll find another Craigslist upstairs apartment! I'll start looking.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

One Year

I can't believe it has been a full year of living in my cute little upstairs apartment! It seems so crazy to me that I've been making this space mine for a year already! And of course, even after an entire year it is still a work in progress. I decided that for my one year post, I wanted to take you on a little video tour of my apartment so that you can see it! Enjoy!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017



I've been saying I should have a reality show for YEARS but the stunt I pulled last Monday definitely sealed that deal.

I was leaving for work when I realized it was cold out that morning and I didn't have a jacket on. I placed everything I was carrying (keys, make up bag, and my lunch) on the dryer, which is located beside the door, and ran back to my closet to find a jacket to wear. I was running a bit late this particular morning, so I threw on the jacket as quickly as possible and scooped up my things as I walked out the door and slammed it shut. I go bouncing down the stairs, not too quickly of course because torn ACL, and reached my car only to find that I couldn't unlock the doors. I kept trying to get in and nothing happened. I got annoyed thinking that my key fob was in need of a battery, which would have actually been an amazing problem to have. Much to my dismay, I quickly realized that the battery was perfectly fine - I just didn't have my keys.

Nope, they were not in my pockets - I checked 5 times. They were not in my hands, even though I kept looking like I was a magician and they would just appear out of thin air. And, they were not in my make up bag that I removed everything from several times in disbelief. No, unfortunately, the keys were LOCKED INSIDE MY HOUSE. That's right. They were still on top of the dryer with my lunch. Managed to grab that make up bag though! #priorities

Now, even though I've lived in my house for almost a year I still haven't take the time to have spare keys made yet. God is apparently teaching me lessons in responsibility. And I apparently need them! 
I could not believe I left my keys inside, so naturally I climbed back up the stairs to check the door handle thinking maybe I didn't lock the door! Of course, it was for sure locked. I immediately texted Dad to asked if they had a spare key. I was in frantic mode so after 5 minutes with no response, I called him. No answer. Great. At that point, I texted my boss and told her I was going to be laaaaaaate to work since I didn't know how in the world I'd even get there. So, I sat down on the steps, took a quick Snapchat - because my life is funny and it needs to be shared - and started doing my make up while waiting on Dad to call.

I waited for what seemed like f o r e v e r and it was f r e e z i n g. I tried to get an Uber, but let's face it - I live 15 minutes out of town and it was 9am! No Uber in sight. I tried to use my credit card to break in, but I almost broke my credit card instead. I tried to get into the family's house, but apparently they like to be safe and lock all of their doors. I finally gave in and texted my girls from work, Hilary and Sarah, and asked if someone could come get me. Sweet Sarah volunteered and drove the 15 minutes out to my house to get me and my make up bag for work. Bless her heart, I owe her BIG! Dad finally texted me back when I sat down at my desk, almost 2 hours late. Thankfully, they did have a spare so I could get in after work. My precious Hil refused to let me Uber home, so she went out of her way to take me. I owe her big too! I grabbed the spare key from Dad and got in my house with just enough time to go watch the bachelor with my girls. And after a day like that, you know I poured a big glass of wine for the trash TV viewing. By the way, I didn't lock my door that night when I left again. I couldn't imagine getting locked out twice in one day!

Last Tuesday I said I was going to go have keys made for everyone I know. But it's been a week now and I haven't made a single key. Doesn't look like that responsibility lesson is sinking in! Someone send help. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Upstairs Ramblings

Well, hello!

I realize I have started 2017 out terribly wrong since I haven't posted a single detail, interesting or not, of my life upstairs since the New Year began. Since I've waited so long, I have several stories to share. How excited you all must be! I know. You can sense the sarcasm dripping my from words since I know this is mainly to entertain myself. (And my dear sister when she reads blogs)

I'll have you know that I would have lost the Christmas light bet if anyone had actually taken the time to bet against me. The single strand of lights outside was gone before New Year's Eve. So barely up for an entire week! Was that even worth? I'd say no. Absolutely not.

My sweet sister and brother in law and their adorable children came to visit me on New Year's Day. They hung up some things for me and it was a almost like Chip and Joanna had ventured into my home! The finished product is so awesome and I'm so so in love with it all! (Even the moving of the couches that I heavily protested!)

I was really beyond thrilled to have my nieces and nephews here for the day, too. All of them running and stomping and jumping all around the floor, no doubt disturbing downstairs. Ahh, payback is so nice!
My oldest niece, A,  spent the night with me and she cried most of the night. Obviously the after effects of a cookie induced sugar high. After two calls to her Mama and sleeping with the Sound of Music soundtrack playing, she finally calmed down. The next day, she was the sweetest little helper and made my bed while I showered. She also packed her things, got dressed and picked up the living room for me! She already has such a servant's heart and it is so precious!

I've noticed lately that downstairs has been exceptionally loud. All the time. It honestly sounds like their family doubled in size! I've been trying to figure out the noise, but finally just decided that the boys must be getting out their energy inside instead of outside. That is until Dad sent me this text the other night.
And he really means they sound like elephants! I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

The other night I came home from work a little earlier than normal. Dad's truck was in the yard but Mom's SUV was not. That happens sometimes so I didn't think anything about it. However, I was greeted getting out of my car by both boys running towards me and yelling, "Mommy's home!! Hey Mommy!" Then, suddenly realizing that I am not their mother, one says "oh, that's not Mommy." 

Maybe the elephants and exercise were just a new year's resolution and that will cease soon. It's seriously almost as bad as the train that shakes the entire house.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Merry & Bright

Y'all. It finally happened!!

I came home from work tonight to find Christmas lights on the front porch downstairs. Nothing like waiting until the week OF Christmas to decorate, amirite?!. But, maybe they'll keep the lights up until Easter. #redneckwoman

I mean, compared to their Halloween decor, it basically looks like The Grinch Stole Christmas around here. I was kind of expecting giant blow up everything to take over the front yard, but a single strand of lights is better than nothing I guess. Speaking of nothing, that's exactly what is happening upstairs in the Christmas decorating department. The closest thing I have to decorations this year is my healthy collection of Christmas movies. Which I haven't even touched this season. WHO AM I?!?
It's December 19th and I have not once watched The Grinch or Elf. That usually starts happening well before the Reese's pumpkins receive their clearance tags. And as if that wasn't enough to solidify my Christmas procrastination, I have literally purchased T W O Christmas gifts so far. Both for the same person, I might add! I realize I only have 4/5 days left to shop and I'm still not in any hurry. Amazon is about to be my new BFF. I honestly think this year has sucked the life out of me. 2017 has to be better!

Anyone want to place bets on how long the strand of front porch lights will stay up? I'm claiming January 29th!