Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Upstairs Ramblings

Well, hello!

I realize I have started 2017 out terribly wrong since I haven't posted a single detail, interesting or not, of my life upstairs since the New Year began. Since I've waited so long, I have several stories to share. How excited you all must be! I know. You can sense the sarcasm dripping my from words since I know this is mainly to entertain myself. (And my dear sister when she reads blogs)

I'll have you know that I would have lost the Christmas light bet if anyone had actually taken the time to bet against me. The single strand of lights outside was gone before New Year's Eve. So barely up for an entire week! Was that even worth? I'd say no. Absolutely not.

My sweet sister and brother in law and their adorable children came to visit me on New Year's Day. They hung up some things for me and it was a almost like Chip and Joanna had ventured into my home! The finished product is so awesome and I'm so so in love with it all! (Even the moving of the couches that I heavily protested!)

I was really beyond thrilled to have my nieces and nephews here for the day, too. All of them running and stomping and jumping all around the floor, no doubt disturbing downstairs. Ahh, payback is so nice!
My oldest niece, A,  spent the night with me and she cried most of the night. Obviously the after effects of a cookie induced sugar high. After two calls to her Mama and sleeping with the Sound of Music soundtrack playing, she finally calmed down. The next day, she was the sweetest little helper and made my bed while I showered. She also packed her things, got dressed and picked up the living room for me! She already has such a servant's heart and it is so precious!

I've noticed lately that downstairs has been exceptionally loud. All the time. It honestly sounds like their family doubled in size! I've been trying to figure out the noise, but finally just decided that the boys must be getting out their energy inside instead of outside. That is until Dad sent me this text the other night.
And he really means they sound like elephants! I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

The other night I came home from work a little earlier than normal. Dad's truck was in the yard but Mom's SUV was not. That happens sometimes so I didn't think anything about it. However, I was greeted getting out of my car by both boys running towards me and yelling, "Mommy's home!! Hey Mommy!" Then, suddenly realizing that I am not their mother, one says "oh, that's not Mommy." 

Maybe the elephants and exercise were just a new year's resolution and that will cease soon. It's seriously almost as bad as the train that shakes the entire house.

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