I woke up this morning at 7:30am to a group of roofers outside my second story window talking and banging away.
I'm not sure who decided that the roofers could start working at 7:30am on a SATURDAY but I'm mad at them. I mean, I did have to work all day so I GUESS it was a good Saturday to pick, but what if I had been home?! There is no way I could have put up with that all day. And as terrible as this week has been I would have really liked to sleep in some. #alltheeyerolls #firstworldprobz
I'm also very glad that Dad told me that the roofers were coming so I could close my blinds. I have a tendency to not wear much clothing when I'm at home and what a sight that would have been! A very terrible sight.
To make this day EVEN better, I came home to a blazing hot house. I immediately ran to the thermostat to learn that it was 89 degrees inside my house. Seriously?! I immediately texted Dad to let him know. He came up very quickly to check everything out and found that the stupid roofers had disconnected something outside. Thankfully, Dad was able to fix it before I died of a heat stoke! It's currently only 79 degrees in my house so it's cooling off now.
I think I'll go take a cold shower and sleep until my eyes open. And it wouldn't bother me if that was 3 days from now because exhaustion.
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